Robin Glauser

My Blog about Development, Design and my random thoughts. – Little-Known Film Suggestions

If you’re ever looking for a really good movie to watch I highly recommend this website which randomly suggests a little known but highly rated film. They also have staff picks which you can browse if you’re looking for anything specific. – Generate a random writing prompt

On you can generate a random writing prompt if you’re running out of ideas. You can customize the prompt by defining whether it should add a location or more adjectives to your writing prompt. – Unicode Smiley Art ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

If you ever needed to search for a specific Unicode smiley (eg. ಠ_ಠ) might be your new favorite site. You can click on any Unicode art to copy it to your clipboard and the paste it into your messenger or other app. This is actually Unicode and not ASCII, sorry about that.

3 awesome image placeholder services Placekitten provides you with placeholder images of cute kittens. You can even specify the height and width of the image via the links for the placeholder. The same as above but with pictures of Bill Murray. With this placeholder service you can get images of Nicolas Cage. You can even specify the type of image you want to … Read More

Mailcheck – Autocorrect your users email adresses

To prevent that your user signs up with a wrong mail address you can either let the user type it twice into a form or use something like Mailcheck. If you use this library and the user types in “”, it will suggest “” as a correct address.

Test your code with multiple PHP versions

On you can test your code snippets  with multiple PHP and HHVM versions. You can also compare the performance of the different versions.

How to learn flash cards easily with Anki

If you ever wanted to learn flash cards on your computer or smartphone Anki is the perfect tool to do this. You can create your own flashcards and learn them at your own pace. On you can find additional flashcards to learn. A few flashcards I like are: Software Design Patterns Quotes The ground principle of this is spaced repetition. … Read More

How to join strings with a delimiter in Java

Here’s the code to join a few strings and glue them with a delimiter.

How to unpack files in Ubuntu by clicking on them.

Something that has bothered me for a long time, was that I couldn’t just click on a archive to unpack it when I’m in my file browser. To do that I’ve written a short .desktop file which is a wrapper for file-roller. You can download the .desktop file here. You can now move the file either into the folder /usr/share/applications to … Read More

Supercharge your LAMP Stack Part 2: Create dynamic virtual hosts

Did you ever wonder if there was a other way to organise your web projects than creating subfolders in your normal htdocs folder and using the with http://localhost/project1, you’ve come to the right place. In this post I’ll show you how you can create dynamic virtual hosts without restarting Apache or adding anything to the Apache VirtualHost configuration. So let’s … Read More