I love this scene from season two of Bojack Horseman. If you haven’t seen the show I highly recommend it. The fact that it’s animated may put you off at first, but put yourself through the first season and you won’t be able to stop watching it. When I was a lot younger and already working and playing on the … Read More
Maybe I am the special kind of stupid, but I’ve had issues with plugging in my USB C cable into my Nexus 5X for a while. It kept falling out when I wanted to keep it plugged in to charge it. But just a short while ago I had the smart idea to actually google my problem. The solution is painfully … Read More
Just got sick again and updated the article with another tip I discovered. The article is just going to be a list of remedies I’ve tried out over the years when I got a stuffy nose and headache. Take a warm foot bath It might seem strange to use a warm foot bath for curing your headache, but it helps. … Read More
A short list with 7 websites with webdesign templates. https://wrapbootstrap.com/ http://templated.co/ http://bootstrapmade.com/ http://www.bootstrapzero.com/ https://shapebootstrap.net/ http://www.gettemplate.com/ http://startbootstrap.com/
Lakka is a lightweight distribution which also runs on the Raspberry Pi and is able to run retro games on your big screen tv. It is able to emulate multiple old console and handhelds like the Game Boy, the Game Boy Advance, the NES, the Nintendo 64 or even the PlayStation. I’ve installed it on my Raspberry Pi 2 but wasn’t able to get the controllers … Read More
Beeminder is a online tool to track goals like blog posting, weight loss/gain, read mail or how much you go biking. I’m now using it to force myself to write 3 blogpost per week. The catch behind the idea is that you pledge a certain amount like 5.-/$/£/€ for reaching your goal. If you can’t reach your goal in the … Read More
Update: Apparently it doesn’t work in the beta version of chrome. Thanks to /u/aurimas_chromium for reporting the bug. (crbug.com/482291) It also only works if you have the option “Merge Tabs and Apps” turned on. Thanks to /u/plastix3000 You maybe knew that you could set the color of the navigation bar in chrome on android by adding the following meta tag to your … Read More
With this webapp you can generate a giant wallposter which you can print at home from a picture. The app generates a PDF which you can print and glue to get the whole poster. http://rasterbator.net/
If you’re ever looking for a really good movie to watch I highly recommend this website which randomly suggests a little known but highly rated film. They also have staff picks which you can browse if you’re looking for anything specific. http://agoodmovietowatch.com/