{ \par <refgrp> \par <bibl id="B1"> <title><p>Robot carers, ethics, a\ETC. ! File ended while scanning use of \BMCxmlcomment. <inserted text> \par l.562 \bibliography{bmc_article} % Bibliography file (usually '*.bib' ) I suspect you have forgotten a `}', causing me to read past where you wanted me to stop. I'll try to recover; but if the error is serious, you'd better type `E' or `X' now and fix your file. [8
The problem was a % in the .bib file. The % sign is used to mark a comment and needs to be escaped or else the rest of the line is interpreted as a comment and thus the } won’t be interpreted and is reported as missing.
title = {ROS/Tutorials/WritingPublisherSubscriber(python) - ROS Wiki --- wiki.ros.org},
howpublished = {\url{http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/WritingPublisherSubscriber%28python%29}}
Removing or escaping the % (\%) solves the problem. The main issue was that the error points to the wrong reference and so in the end I had to bisect the file, to find the offending entry, as I didn’t know what the problem was.
@misc{rosROSTutorialsWritingPublisherSubscriberpythonWiki, title = {Wiki}, author = {Wise, Melonee}, journal = {ros.org}, url = {http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/WritingPublisherSubscriber\%28python\%29} }
But I write this up here for the next poor soul who has to deal with the problem.
I also like to mention this tool here: https://flamingtempura.github.io/bibtex-tidy/
It helped me clean up the latex file and might also help fix errors by removing certain characters, removing duplicates and sorting your .bib file.
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