
My top 10 favorite Mac apps at the moment.

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These are my favorite 10 Mac apps at the moment listed by no particularly logic.

  1. Google Chrome
    This should be a no-brainer. I use this browser on any system where it’s available and recommend it full-hearted. You can pry this web-browser from my dead cold hands. :)
  2. PHPStorm
    This is my at the moment main development IDE. It’s autocompletion, code generation and other features are part of the reason I love this program so much. However I’m toying from times to times with vim, my second favorite text-editor.
  3. Adobe CC
    One of the reasons I bought a Mac was to use the Adobe CC Collection and be able to use a actual unix based system. (Looking at you Cygwin.) As a web-developer/designer I use photoshop almost daily.
  4. iTerm 2
    What is a computer without a terminal emulator? This is by far the better terminal emulator than the one which mac natively provides. With it’s easy configuration and the color eye-candy it’s absolutely fantastic to use.
  5. Parallels Desktop
    If I still get some nostalgic feelings for Windows I just boot up my Windows 7 or 8.1 Machines and feel at home. Parallels is one of the better virtualization programs I know and it even supports my favorite Windows game: Siedler III
  6. Transmit
    This is a good-looking File Transfer Programm which supports FTP, SFTP, Amazon S3 and Webdav.
  7. Sequel Pro
    A simplistic alternative to the MySQL Workbench.
  8. MAMP
    A simplified LAMP stack with a user-friendly interface to dynamically add hosts, change PHP version or add Apache modules.
  9. Moom
    One of the things I missed on Mac was the ability to split the windows on the left or right side like on Windows. With Moom I found a even better solution.
    The program works with a grid where you can select where your program should be moved. There are also a few preset options like the split from Windows.
  10. Dropbox
    Also one of my apps which I use on almost every platform. I use it for everything excluding documents. For this I use the web based Google Drive.



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