
8 of my favorite PHP Libraries, Frameworks and Tools.

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  1. The Composer packet manager is great because when using it you don’t have to commit all your php library code onto Github. You can just commit the composer.json and composer.lock file and your fellow developers will get the same version as you have.
  2. Symfony is one of the best and most popular php frameworks. It’s extensibility with the bundle principle is one of the main reasons I like this framework so much.
  3. Doctrine is a ORM which is used by default with Symfony.
  4. Twig is the template engine use in Symfony. You can also use it easily in your own projects.
  5. Silex is kind of the little brother of Symfony. It’s really great at creating one page or simple projects, but still offers a lot of extensibility.
  6. PHPunit is one of the things in PHP everybody should use. It’s one of the most popular unit testing frameworks.
  7. Whoops is a error handler for PHP. With it you can see the whole stacktrace and the value of the default PHP global objects. ($_GET, $_POST, $_SERVER, etc).
  8. Xdebug is a debugger and profiler for PHP. You can use it to create breakpoints in your PHP applications.

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